Thoughts during the Cambridge MBA


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Pre reading for the Cambridge MBA

I have started some pre-reading for the MBA. In other words I bought 3 of the 5 recommended books and the 4th is on the way.
The fifith discipline by Shenge(750Rs from seems to be partly a self help books and hence is one of the easist read.
The Principles of Corporate finance by Meyer etc(595 from is ok but it throws around a lot of financial lingo/slangs which explaining very simple financial fundas. I would have preferred if it had explained it's financial lingo a bit better.
The third book is the Organizational Behavior by robbins (375 from I havent started it yet as it seems a bit similar ro the fifth Discipline and dont want to get confused in between them.

I am still trying to find out the books for the second trimester so that I purchase them in India at the discounted Indian edition prices.



  • I too got 3 of the books (asian editions at about one fifth of the UK price), but I got the Marketing book, and not fifth discipline.

    I'm finding Organizational Behaviour really interesting, cos it has a lot of Psychology. I'm just starting to read the other two.

    By Blogger Roshanthi, at Monday, May 22, 2006 9:13:00 AM  

  • I have just read the preface of the Organizational behavior book. The marketing book is under shipping.


    By Blogger Amit, at Monday, May 22, 2006 7:19:00 PM  

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