Thoughts during the Cambridge MBA


Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cambridge MBA rules over Oxford MBA

I have selected the Cambridge (Judge) MBA over the Oxford (Said) MBA. There are two aspects of this decision the reasons why I liked the Cambridge MBA over the Oxford MBA and the other being the things that I found uncomfortable in Oxford.

Cambridge Pluses
1) Cambridge has a better technology environment than Oxford in teaching and in practical(silicon fern)
2) Higher class age & higher work experience requirement
3) Higher academic requirements.(insisting on a first class)
4) The MBA forms and the interviews seemed to focus on what went wrong or where I was lacking rather than on my successes. I have always believed we learn more from failures than successes. Most other MBA schools don’t talk about failures.
5) Much more scholarships(though I don’t know if I will get any)

Oxford Minuses
1) They recently lost their loan scheme this points out that some of the ex-students have been defaulters are no longer considered creditworthy by HSBC.
2) Everyone who has applied seems to have been offered a place (significantly lower age/experience requirements) this may point to falling standards.

Well there are things which don’t matter to me but might matter to others
1) Oxford SBS is made from blood money. The Said in the name is the name of the middle-east arms dealers who is accused of supplying arms to restricted countries hence facilitating genocides.
2) My friends who have toured both cities say that Cambridge looks better, as Oxford is getting concretized.
3) We don’t have to wear a gown to give exams in Cambridge :-)


Friday, February 17, 2006

Dropping Oxford SBS

I have decided to reject the oxford offer. The last date for the deposit is 21st and I wont be sending it to them.Just wrote a mail to Oxford saying that I wont be accepting their offer.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Bryan Adams rocks Bangalore

Bryan Adams hwas in concert inat the Palalce grounds in Bangalore. He really rocked. He plays the guitar much better than I expected.
I arrived a bit late for the concert so avaoided all the parking jams though I partly missed summer of 69. The best thing was that it wasnt so crowded in the 1200 Rs section, we keep on moving ahead and we were hardly 20 feet away from the stage. Bryan Adams rocks.


Friday, February 03, 2006

Cambridge Judge MBA HSBC loan form

Just got the HSBC loan form from Cambridge . It is in the shape of a small booklet. They also sent me a corrected offer letter(the earlier one had misseppled my name). I am supposed to fill in the form and sent it to the business school directly instead of the bank.

Its now time for me to collect the paperwork. Last 12 months pay slips etc transferring money into one account. Getting copies certified by the local HSBC branch. Hopefully as I have an account in HSBC it wont be too painfull.

