Thoughts during the Cambridge MBA


Thursday, May 25, 2006

MBAT 2006 cricket

It seems more than 60 students from Judge are taking part in the MBAT 2006. MBAT 2006 is a sports competition which is organised by HEC Paris focussing on European MBA students.
The range of the sports is vast from football, to salsa dancing.

On delving into the rules its more fun than sports. I didnt expect cricket to be played with a hard tennis ball like I play every weekend. Also LBWs are not allowed just like our game.I thought it was limited to the south asian countries. I guess the French are allowed to mess up the Englishmen's game :-)

And yeah sledging is mandatory. Now I doubt if we will be able to play the sport without getting into fights.


MBAT 2006

Sunday, May 21, 2006

cambridge HSBC loan & Queens college

The wait for the HSBC loan is over. They have approved the HSBC loan. And surprisingly mine got approved earlier(comparitively) to the others who have applied for the loan. I guess it was because I am a existing HSBC India account holder and because I was ready to put a larger proportion of my own savings.

In the meanwhile my college application has been sent to Queens college. Queens is one of the larger colleges and is known for its weekly dance parties called bops . Well it doesnt matter to me much as I dont think I will frequent them.


Pre reading for the Cambridge MBA

I have started some pre-reading for the MBA. In other words I bought 3 of the 5 recommended books and the 4th is on the way.
The fifith discipline by Shenge(750Rs from seems to be partly a self help books and hence is one of the easist read.
The Principles of Corporate finance by Meyer etc(595 from is ok but it throws around a lot of financial lingo/slangs which explaining very simple financial fundas. I would have preferred if it had explained it's financial lingo a bit better.
The third book is the Organizational Behavior by robbins (375 from I havent started it yet as it seems a bit similar ro the fifth Discipline and dont want to get confused in between them.

I am still trying to find out the books for the second trimester so that I purchase them in India at the discounted Indian edition prices.


Selling UK land(near London) in India

Just read an article in one of the magazines about buying land in the UK. It seems that there are some new companies which are selling greenbelt UK land in India. By greenbelt it means that the local councils haven't authorized any sort of construction on that land. Once you buy the land you can apply for the conversion and if it gets approved the rates jump up many fold. The cost of the land plots is being kept under $25000 as thats the maximum foreign exchange limit for Indians.

I guess this serves as proof that the old colonial times are truely over. There was time 60 years ago when whole of India was owned by the britishers and now small chunks of the UK will be owned by Indians.

As for the investment angle its just to high risk as it involves governement approvals & I have no idea about the local politics where the land is being purchased.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

college membership

It seems my St Catherines college admission & scholarship was denied. So I have to select a new college in Cambridge. The CAM system seems quite stupid that even after your admission you have to wait for months for a college to go over your application. It unnessarily delays the Visa processing and all other requirements.
Well I just asked the admissions office to send it to the college which would give me the fastest turnaround time. Haven't heard since then.

In the meanwhile I had made a trip to Mumbai to meet the Admissions director who was on a tour. It was ok, mostly marketing stuff and there was one alumini a tall lanky guy called Sameer.

I guess as there is nothing much happening on the MBA front I would soon start posting about other stuff.

